Embrace scalable Ethereum nodes with Chainstack


Run high-performing and resilient Eth1 mainnet nodes for your Eth2 clients.

Deploy Eth1 mainnet node

Interested in Eth2 nodes?


Safely run a full Ethereum mainnet node as a part of your validator infrastructure to help secure the networks and earn ether.



Earn ether by being the first to report slashable offenses on Eth2 by monitoring high-perfoming Ethereum mainnet node data.


Bounty hunters and developers

Earn respect & rewards by engaging in Eth2 testing efforts, and reveal flaws in upcoming Eth2 upgrades before they're shipped.

Are you a validator or slasher?

Dedicated Ethereum nodes are perfect for you

  • Lighting-speed full node deployments via Chainstack Bolt: only ~5 minutes.
  • Dedicated Geth 1.9.21 node without any limits for request rates or data query volume.
  • Wide hosting options and locations: US, Europe, and APAC.
  • Flexible and affordable pricing: pay-as-you-go.
  • GraphQL, node logs, and monitoring.
  • Priority ticket handling.

Are you a bounty hunter?

Shared Ethereum nodes are your best choice

  • Get basic access to the Ethereum mainnet and testnests in a few simple steps.
  • Connect to a shared resource in AWS, GCP, or Azure.
  • Pick a geographical location with the lowest latencies.
  • Robust infrastructure.
  • Free of charge.
  • Standard support.

Mercury Cash is a live hosted-wallet solution with a current customer base of 20,000+ users. We run Ethereum nodes on mainnet and on Ropsten testnet on Chainstack. The nodes are critical, as they manage both business operations and information flows. 

Mercury Cash


Looking for managed Eth2 nodes?

Get early access to Eth2 nodes on Chainstack.

Fill in this interest form to learn how to access beacon chain nodes, capable of validation and slashing.